Friday, November 23, 2012

Rejoice, I Say Again, Rejoice!


The Shepherds in the fields by night saw His shining star.


Friday, November 16, 2012

What Does Being Thankful Mean?

We are coming up on that time in the year when many get a four day vacation. What does being thankful mean? To many it has to do with all of the accumulation of worldly possessions, celebrating that with family and friends with all sorts of food. 
To others, they look to the time of the Pilgrims who came to America and were thankful for surviving the dangerous journey that many did not, or died thereafter due to sickness. (Not taking in mind their Christian freedom to worship Jesus Christ as they felt led of the Holy Spirit rather than being told how to by a government or religious system.)
But, to those who know our Savior and LORD Jesus Christ, it has to do with salvation. Christianity is wholly and totally separate from "religion."  It isn't a religion. It is the Truth, Way, and Light not beholding to man's world religions' philosophies.
Thanksgiving Day is a day to thank our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD; for the blessings He has bestowed upon each of us personally and individually, beginning with salvation.
Those who may not know this, read the book of John in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. You are the one to make your choice to accept or reject the greatest "thankful" man could ever have. When you do accept, the greatest thing happens in your life; GOD reveals Himself to you! This is my greatest thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where's Our Nation Headed?

It's a historical fact that before every past civilization fell, their civilization had become so greedy and demoralized, it left them vulnerable for other civilizations to come in and conquer them.
America is now at that point of decline. No longer does most of its citizens hold to the moral values this country was set upon. No longer does its enemies fear invading and blowing up its buildings by flying jets into them, but now it has a leader that bows before its enemy who's gotten America so indebted to them, they are about to cut off any more loans! If that's not bad enough this same leader is "in bed" with another enemy, Russia. His video/audio comment was caught on tape of him patting our enemy on the shoulder promising to take care of "it" when he was re-elected.
I can't understand why this man has not had treason brought against him for what he has done, though he continues to blame it on the previous president. I would think by now the present population would not be so stupid to keep believing this excuse for everything that goes wrong in his administration!
But, as bad as it is, it took a worse population to vote him back in. Do they not realize another name for Progressive is Communist!  His beliefs go completely against our original constitution! Another reason for our country's decline and call for treason against him!
The Happy note about this is the Bible has predicted all of this in quite detail thousands of years ago! The Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible has every detail! For those who are Christian, they have the Holy Spirit revealing to them these end time prophecies. Those that don't know Christ as their personal Savior, it is not revealed to them.  GOD's WORD says, "To them it is nonsense." (I Cor, 1:18) Christians ask them to seek out the LORD before it is too late!
The only thing keeping the anti-christ from appearing on scene is the presence of Christ's Church and America's standing in the world.   Revelation doesn't mention America, therefore its superpower status has to be removed to that of a third world power. I believe this present administration is set in place to do that.
Christians, be ready for the Trumpet Call and the calling of, "Come up hither." (Which is a phrase for the Rapture!) Sad to say, those who have not accepted Christ as their Savior will not hear the most wonderful sound bringing an event that man could never imagine. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard nor had it entered the heart of man what GOD has planned for those that belong to the LORD."  (I Cor. 2:9)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Renew Us LORD GOD That We May See Your Glory

O Mighty GOD, let Your Revival Break out in America!

Let Your Holy Wind come upon us, O LORD. Open the eyes of those who refuse to see You. Open up the ears of those who refuse to hear You (Mark 8:18.) May they see and hear that we don't struggle with the things of this earth, but we struggle with evil and principalities in high places (Ephesians 6:12.)
Holy Spirit, come as America's Mighty Rushing Wind as You did at Pentecost (Acts 2:2!) Let Your Holy Angels come in their legions (Matthew 26:63) to uplift Your Church to go before It that our Armor of GOD will be upon us in Your Strength! 
Your Church is praying, LORD, in Your Name, Jesus that Your Will for America will come about On Tuesday's Presidential and Congressional elections. You have said, "Where there are two or three gathered together in my
Name there I Am with you." (Matt 18:20)
II Chronicles 7:14 Says:
"If my People who are called by my Name will humble themselves, PRAY, SEARCH for Me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear (their prayer) from Heaven, forgive their sins, and HEAL THEIR LAND!"
LORD, I pray You hear Your Church and heal our land!