Sunday, August 27, 2023

Children of Almighty GOD!

 Praise our Almighty GOD in Christ Jesus, He has given to us His salvation in His Name for all eternity in His Holy Presence!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

John 3:16


Praise the LORD Jesus Christ for His death on the Cross for mankind's sins! Your sin has been paid for in full, but you must accept Jesus as your Savior to inherit eternal life with Him. If you haven't, ask Him and He will freely give you eternal life in glory with Him! Amen.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Salvation in Christ Jesus is the Only Way


Praise our Almighty GOD for His salvation in Christ Jesus. We have all eternity with Him because He paid the penalty for our sins and made us New in His salvation! Come to Him and accept His forgiveness to receive your eternity with Almighty GOD in His glory!

Sunday, August 6, 2023



Praise Almighty GOD the Father, GOD the Son Jesus Christ, and GOD the Holy Spirit! Eternal life with Him is promised by Him to His believers through the salvation Christ Jesus offers in His sacrifice for mankind's sins! Christ Jesus is the only way to eternal life in Him!