Thursday, September 30, 2010

Like an Eagle, Spread Your Wings and Fly!

I just know they had to have
someone else help with this! I
wonder if it hurts to hold your
hands very long in this manner?
It almost makes me think it
could be gloves.


  1. Hi Susan,
    Yea, I just tried to put my hands like that and don't see how they could get their thumbs together close enough. I imagine it would be very hard, but guess they do it long enough to do a show or take pics maybe.
    You are such a riot. I am talking about the comments about the bed and breakfast!!
    So are you home today??? or did you just check from school???
    Hope you are having a good day whatever the case might be.
    Love ya, Nellie

  2. Susie

    I had to take a second look here. I could never hold that with my little fat fingers.

    Blessings & Hugs

    PS I missed you all week.....
