Monday, October 17, 2011

Soon and Very Soon...

What excites Christians more than anything else? If you're a Christian, you know that answer right away! If you are not, it is called the Rapture! If you are a Christian, you know right down to your very soul, The Event is not a fantasy, not a story passed down through the ages! If you are not a Christian, the Bible says it is as foolishness to you. Do you want the wisdom of the ages? Do you want the excitement of your very Creator within your soul? You will be a changed person! You will know our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy, Father GOD! He will show you things your heart has never felt or your brain has never contemplated! The Joy that His Children knows, brings an exciting tremble to their souls! You can only receive His personal Love by receiving His free gift of an everlasting, eternal life through the salvation that Christ gives by being the sin bearer of all mankind. Fallen man wants to offer you longer life in this fallen world. Who wants to live that long in a fallen state when you can have eons and eons of time in Eternity with our Amazing Creator (and that length of time can be compared to a single atom in this known universe!) The LORD says, "Come unto me all you who are tired and heavy laden. I will give you rest." That doesn't mean nap time!!


The Trumpet shall sound. All those who have gone on before us will rise receiving their new bodies and then we shall be changed in an instant meeting with them and Christ in the Heavens! What a Wedding Feast is to come, Christ and His Church!!!


If you don't know the Joys that go beyond this world's understanding, accept Christ's penalty that He paid for your sins and you will become a new person. Be ready for the Joy of the LORD to become manifested in you! Do it quickly! You don't want to be left behind!


Hear that Trumpet sound,

Rather than seeing clothes hit the ground!


  1. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and leaving your comments on Thankful Thursday.

    This is a very good and true post....
    Ya know, I think one of your spiritual gifts might be the gift of evangelism possibly.

    Jimmy is not feeling well, he has a cold, so hope he is feeling much better when he gets up
    today. We did get a coat of sealer on the porch yesterday, and hoping to get a 2nd coat on today. Picked up all the folding chairs yesterday, so have those now, and finally was
    able to get the food and cakes ordered.

    and yes, got my hair done too and it looks very nice! It was good to see Melita, she is such a sweetie. She said you were gonna start walking with them, so that's good!
    Hasn't the weather just been so wonderful........
    we are so enjoying it.

    Well, have a great day hon,
    Love ya, Nellie

  2. A wonderful missionary Post Susan, I have to agree with Nellie. Your testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is very strong. Keep sharing it!

    Love you, sweet lady! Bonnie

    P.S. I am so out of it, when is the reception for Dee and Jerry?
