Sunday, June 24, 2012

No Modesty!

After another day of full, non-stop play, Cody finally decides to take a rest; however not for long, ha!


  1. Susan

    Just love your cats. I love how my Khloe still has some playfullness in her. She is Godsent to me although she like to play with my feet at night (which is not so good)

    Thanks for coming by BLOG and all your comments.

    Blessings & Love

  2. Hi Susan,
    wow, she really looks so big there,
    so guess she has grown a lot in 9 days. she has certainly made herself

    Scott and Megan came by on Monday night and they are just so happy.
    Still waiting to hear if they have
    accepted the offer on the house yet.
    The bank did call their realtor and ask if they would be willing to
    close the end of July rather than in August, so they felt like that
    was a very good sign.

    So glad the rain finally stopped,
    we were all prepared to do our lawn
    and Josue had someone do his and had them do our too, so we got out
    and trimmed some stuff we don't normally have time for........
    so that was nice.

    Take care hon,
    Love ya Nellie
