Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Continued trip through Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee

The capital building was right in the same area as the Churches of MLK.

This was one of the churches he preached in.

This was another church he preached at.

This is a beautiful park in the same area as the churches and capital building.

We traveled on through Alabama and the corner of Mississippi to Memphis, Tennessee where we stayed overnight.


  1. Hello
    Love those beautiful old churches like that, they are so neat. All of
    these are pretty buildings.
    So sorry to hear Alice is so sick,
    hope she comes out of that quickly,
    glad you said something, cause we
    will start praying about that especially. Nice you can get her meds for her. So glad that waterline break was not yours. Praise the lord, I know you were happy about that.

    Nice you made those books for everyone, and sure her friend must have been thrilled.

    Well, take care hon, and thanks for coming by...........
    Love ya, Nellie

  2. Susan

    Beautiful churches. What history.

    Blessings & Love
