Sunday, November 19, 2017

Animals Know GOD is Their Creator and Provider

"The animals know that GOD is their Creator and Provider! They know Who to ask for help!" (From book, "There is Eternal Life for Animals")

Job 1:20 says, "Even the wild animals call out to You because they have no water to drink. The streams have dried up...

"...and the fire has consumed the pastures."

I believe GOD has given to animals an awareness of Him that is different from mankind's.  This can be seen in a previous post made (such as Balaam's Donkey). You can also see this in your pets who are leery of strangers. They also sense impending danger and alert their owners that were totally unaware. 

In a personal testimony of this, I had a Boxer breed dog named Reggie that alerted my parents to a seizure I was having.  He was in the living room and went running past the kitchen (where my parents were) and into my room. They quickly followed him and found him in a protective mode on the bed next to me while I was in a seizure (which I had not had before nor since.) 

(My Sweet Reggie)
What a wonderful thing that our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD has for all of His Creation. Even the animals outcry to Him has Him answering their needs.

Not only does our GOD supply their needs, His WORD says to us in Philippians 4:19, "My GOD will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Those who believe in Jesus as their Savior know this. If you don't know His salvation, you can. Simply humble yourself confessing you are a sinner ("All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD." Romans 3:23) Ask for Christ's forgiveness and He will forgive you. ("Everyone who calls upon the Name of the LORD will be saved." Acts 2:21) Join all of GOD's people for an eternity that will include His created animal kingdom as well! Psalm 145:21 says, "Let all His creatures praise His Holy Name forever and ever!" Psalm 36:6 says, "He (GOD) preserves both man and beast." Romans 8:21 says, "For the creatures themselves will be liberated from bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of GOD." Colossians 1:23 says, "This gospel that you heard has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven!" Hallelujah to what Almighty GOD has in store for those who come to His salvation in Jesus! 

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