Sunday, September 24, 2023

Jeremiah 1:5


Praise You, Almighty Creator GOD, for creating man in Your image!

Praise You, Almighty GOD, for Your salvation to those accepting Christ Jesus taking our sins upon Him so we have eternal life in glory with you! You are All-Knowing of all things before You ever created anything!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Romans 8:29

 Praise You, Almighty, All-knowing GOD, for Your Chosen in Christ Jesus because of His sacrifice for our sins, giving us Eternal Life with You in Your Awesome Glory forevermore!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

2 Thessalonians 2:13


Praise our Almighty GOD! If you have accepted Christ Jesus as your Savior, it's because the Father GOD already knew you would. He also knows if you haven't come to Him for salvation and eternal life in His glory! Do so now! Confess your sin to Him, ask Him to forgive you and He will! Don't put it off! Today may be the day your soul is required of Him! Let it be to enter His glory for all eternity! Amen!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Ephesians 1:4


I praise You, Almighty GOD, for choosing Your Nation Israel and Your Church to forever be in Your Holy Presence glorifying You for all eternity! Amen