"Pumpkin in the Oven!"
Do you think I got too big of a pumpkin, lol!
It did bake down after 2 1/2 hours! I put in the pre-fried (in olive oil) fresh garlic, onions, and lean hamburger meat. I also put in summer squash, red bell pepper, fresh mushrooms, cauliflower, and the rice. Whoops, it was not "quick" rice. So, I think that is why it took so long to have it finally be cooked!
No, that's not oatmeal, ha! Even Jerry stayed at bay, ha (only a picture!) It did taste very good! I think next time I will not need to put as much water (2 cups for the rice.) The vegetables have water in them! Also, I will get a smaller pumpkin, lol!
So glad you tried this Susan. Yeah, you should use quick recipe or better yet maybe pre-cooked rice and then it should just need heating up. And also a smaller pumpkin for sure! I am crazy about your new header. Just gorgeous. Please sneak up on Nellie some time at the reception and give her a big hug from me. Wish I was there to help her. Have a wonderful day!
Love, B
Susie go to the site called picnik.com and upload your photo. You then resize by going to edit and looking on the left the last high lighted word is resize click on that and edit by putting the first number in as 812 and the site will calculate the second number for you. Then go to create I think it is and add your text. I then save the picture to my desk top and then add it into the blog by going to design tab and adding it as a photo gadget where the header goes.
My how to blog is on the side bar of my blog. Scroll down and you will see a bunch of my blogs listed by pictures. The pictures are links. The one you want to double click is the one with the Maxine cartoon character sitting at the computer.
Hope this helps! Bonnie
Hi Susan,
Wow, what a great idea, and bet it takes very good. Love the look of the pumpkin after it cooked has a nice rich color to it.
Wanted to say thanks so much for all your help yesterday, it was very appreciated and needed!!
It truly turned out to be a wonderful day.
We felt like it couldn't have been any better
really...............God is good as always.
He loves answering those prayers that are in
His will.
Can't wait to get the pics back, Bob said he
got a lot of great candid shots and he thought we would be very happy with them. He is such a
nice man!! He videoed us blowing bubbles on them and Jim's Blessing/Toast. so that was really nice.
Love your new header, very pretty!!
Gee, I am not gonna know what to do with myself
tomorrow, guess I might just blog a bit....lol
Love ya, Nellie
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