Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Seven O'clock Mornings

Yea! I can again upload my pictures like I always did without having to go through the HTML!
I'm usually up by 6:30 in the morning. After I have let out the dogs, cleaned the cat's litter pan, given Sarah her medicine and food, filled up the cats and dogs water dishes (all six of them), let the dogs back in, mix up the dogs food, Cody and Katy's food too, I take it out to them! While they are all eating, I go back into the kitchen, cut up the birds bananas, take my medicine with a bite of banana, clean out their fruit and water dishes, put in fresh fruit as Jerry bird sits on my shoulder playing with my ear (talking in my ear, "I want to go see grandma), I take him to see her picture in the foyer, get all of their dishes put back into their cages, exit the room with Jerry saying, "Mom's gotta go to work," Max saying, "Bye-bye," Cuddles saying, "You're a pretty bird," in which I reply to them, "Praise the LORD I don't have to go to work, bye-bye, and thank you, Cuddles that you think I'm a pretty bird!" LOL!
Then my day begins with my worship of the LORD and what He has for me this day! I have been reading through the Bible (1 chapter a day.) I am now in Romans.

I have been using my mom's Bible. It is the Life Application Bible New International version with commentary. 

These are the other study materials I also use.  I subscribe to "Our Daily Bread," Charles Stanley's daily Bible study, my little school house Bible cards that my former Principal's mom gave to me, Joyce Meyer's daily devotional, "Trusting GOD Day By Day," and one other daily study guide by Oswald Chambers called, "Joy and Peace." (in the picture below.) 

I have a daily writing journal which I write  my responses to the things I have read and how it pertains to me as the Holy Spirit leads my thoughts. It's amazing how so many different reading materials can pull together with a single message the LORD reveals to my heart! This message will lead me to pray for the needs of others that the LORD brings to mind from the words I have read. Those people may be family, friends, members in my church, those I have seen on t.v., politicians, scientists, and countries as a whole.
Many times I will share with the LORD my frustrations about the wayward world that has entered that wide gate which leads to destruction and question why they refuse to see His Truth.
Other times I am so overjoyed at what our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD has planned for those that love His Appearing! And, especially so when I have the Gaither Homecoming Gospel Hour playing their all inspiring music lifting up songs of blessings to His Glory! This mountaintop joy is what sustains His Children when they are in the valleys of life. 
I praise GOD for what awaits His Children in Heaven. Thank You, LORD GOD, for what you have for us in this life to grow in our faith and trust in Your mercy and grace. All hail the Power of Jesus' Name!    


Janet said...


What a great post. We use the daily bread too are once of our daily devotions.
i love our your birds talk. I know they are a lot of work but they have a good mama.
i have had a rough day even though my post did not indicate it. I had my post ready last night so I just published it first thing this morning.
I have a terrible sore throat and can hardly speak so I stayed home today from work.
I also had to run Einstein to the Vet. He has some intestional issues. So they gave him so meds and he will be fine.
I thank the Lord that it is not that serious.

Blessings & Love

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Morning Susan,
Yes, it is amazing how when the Lord wants to get a particular point across to us, we find that it will be in practically everything we read or hear. Guess that is because we need to hear it over and over to get it!! lol
I know I sure do...........

Hope you have a good day and that you have heard back from Jeff.

Love ya, Nellie