Tuesday, December 23, 2014

When GOD Became Man

GOD is the Creator of everything seen and everything unseen! He is perfect and expects perfection!

Man is made in His image. (Genesis 1) What image is this?  We have a personality, attitude, and disposition. GOD the Father has such and His is Perfection. We have a body. Jesus Christ is GOD manifested in the flesh. We have a spirit which was deadened by sin until we accept Jesus as our Savior and then His Holy Spirit fills us with knowing Who He Is! What is amazing about Almighty GOD is He can separate those attributes, we can't until death takes place.

This Christ Child existed before He was the Babe of Bethlehem. Genesis 1 says, "Let US make man is OUR image!

You only have this life to accept Christ Jesus paying the penalty for your sin. There is no chance when you cross through death's door into your Eternal Future. Make it be with our Awesome, Almighty, Savior, Creator, Holy Father GOD!

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