Thursday, February 26, 2015

I Thank GOD for His Mercy in Answering Prayers

John 14:13, "Whatever you ask in My Name believing, you shall receive that the Father may be glorified in the Son."

I Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to, "...pray without ceasing."

Since the fracturing of my hip back in October, I have been so thankful for its complete healing! I had since been in prayer for the medical expenses to be paid and my policy has now done so! Many months of prayer not just from myself, but I recently had my Bible class ladies pray, my Sunday School class pray, and the Elders if my church! GOD is so merciful in hearing our prayers and He has His timing for His reasons. I can't help but smile, for the pay off has come just in time for my birthday! :-) Thank you, LORD, for a great birthday present!

Romans 12:12, Ephesians 6:18, and Colossians 4:2 "Be persistent in prayer and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to GOD!"

1 comment:

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Susan,
Yea, I was so happy to hear they finally are paying things now.
God's timing was perfect, and glad
you got that sense of relief just
in time for your birthday, it was
a great present from HIM.

God is definitely a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God, even tho HE doesn't always answer the way we think or when we want HIM to.....
but He is always working on it, I
truly believe that.........

Looking forward to Sat. evening,
Love ya, Nellie