Thursday, February 18, 2010

For the Love of God: Part 2

"From the foundation of the world, He knew me!"
I have been trying to find where this scripture is.
The closest I have come is Eph. 1:4. It still is not
the quote. I though I had written it down, but I
don't know where I put it!
I am always humbled when I am reminded of
this verse. The awesomeness of God is beyond
my comprehension in that He knows the end
from the beginning! He is outside of the time
continuum we are on. Before He ever created
Adam and Eve, He already knew the last person
that will ever be created! His heart must be
broken to know the multitude that will reject
His Gift of Salvation! All the more it humbles
me to wonder why I am so privileged to be one
to have accepted His Gift of Love.

When I asked the LORD to forgive my sin, I was
in third grade. It was in the middle of the night.
I woke up from my sleep and quietly got out
of my bed. I had a very high bed. My dad had
built it upon a platform that housed four
large drawers underneath. We lived in a small
trailer at the time and we utilized all the space
we had. As I knelt, my bottom was cushioned
between my inner ankles while the toes of one
foot lay across the other. I understood
that sin separated me from God.
I prayed for the LORD to forgive my sin. I
was sorry I ever had a part of my Savior's
suffering. Tears streamed down my face as
I thought of the darkness that wrapped
around the world when Christ was taking upon
Himself ever single sin from Adam and Eve
to the last person who would ever be created!
Not just any man could have withstood that horror.
God Himself in Christ had become our sacrifice!
My pastor's sermon from the Word of God
had brought the Holy Spirit to move upon me
in His saving Grace that night as I truly
cried in sorrow for His forgiveness of my sin.
There may be some who ask, "What sin could
a young child commit to bring them to this
Life changing commitment?" I had learned
in Sunday School that, "All have sinned and
fallen short of the Glory of God." Just one small
lie is enough to separate one from this Holy and
Just God. His Word also tells us that we were
conceived and born in sin. So, that in and of
itself is enough to separate us from our
Holy God. For me? I had stolen a penny pack
of cool-aide from our little "country" store
down the street.
God's Word says, " Salvation is so simple that a
child can understand it." I, as a third grade child,
had understood and my life was changed forever.
More to come...

1 comment:

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Morning Susan,
Great Post! Isn't God so good to make it so simple, it is we humans who complicate it!!
Good Thankful Thursday list too.
And speaking of your birthday, do you have any plans the Sunday of your birthday yet???
If not, Thought we could celebrate on the day since Scott will have to work that Saturday and couldn't make it, course, haven't spoken to him about it yet, just know his schedule.
Dee sometimes works on Sat. nights too, course she said lately they have not even been putting her on the schedule.
So what would you prefer Lasagna, Beef or chicken stroganoff, or London Broil???
I was thinking maybe strawberry shortcake for dessert since I know you really like that,
and I will make the biscuit cake to eat it on.
Well, let me know.
Have a nice Saturday.
I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to come read blogs.
Love ya, Nellie