Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Three Days and Counting!

So much joy is occurring everywhere as we get closer to Christmas! The rush is beginning to become at panic stage as some have not gotten all of their gifts, or have procrastinated and haven't even started as yet! The menu of items have some being able to be prepared ahead of time. While most of the food has to be done just before you sit down to have a meal together and remember the blessings GOD has given each one this passed year. However, the greatest gift can not come from any of our family or friends. That being the gift of GOD in His Son, Jesus Christ who would become the Salvation for mankind. Those who recognize their sin and His gift of taking away our sin will not have to spend eternity separated from Him, but will spend eternity with Him forever! What a fantastic future we have set before us, all because the Christ Child was born that night in a stable. The greatest gift that only our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD could give!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Again,
that is such a pretty manger scene on your header.
Yea, can hardly believe it is only 3 days away,
am so looking forward to it. So may I ask why are
you just getting started??? You must like all the hubbub and

You are so right, He is the best gift of all....
and we are so blessed and grateful for all the Lord Jesus has done for us, and continues daily to do for us.
Merry Christmas,
Love ya, Nellie

Love ya, Nellie

Covnitkepr1 said...

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