Monday, January 16, 2012

Florida's Loss!

Today, Florida lost a tree called, "The Senator." It is reported to be a 3500 year old tree. It one time stood 165 feet tall until a past hurricane cropped it at the top and left it 125 feet tall! They believe it had been struck by lightening some while ago, but was smoldering until it caught fire and burned to the ground. It was definitely a landmark in Central Florida.


Janet said...

Hi Susan

What a beautiful old tree. I cannot believe it age. What history that old tree must have had.

Years ago we visited the big redwoods in California and even drove our mini van through it.

Have a good week!
Blessings & Love

Bonnie said...

So sorry. I love trees. I get really upset when people just randomly cut them down. That happened on one of our main street while we were at Laura's. I was just so sad when I saw it. Sorry your very old monument tree burnt down. Hugs, B

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Yes, I saw that in the news this morning. It is sad. what a history that tree has had, if only they could talk they could probably tell some great stories.

We took the kids to see that years ago, at Big Tree Park.
I don't remember too much about it really, accept that we were a bit awed by it.

Take care, Love ya, Nellie

chiefg said...

I used to visit this tree a lot, its near my friends house. shame this happened I hope the sister tree remains safe.