Monday, April 1, 2013

Yea, Spring is here!

Spring has Sprung!

Roses that start out bright orange as a bud
changes to orange, pink, and then white when the petals are about to fall.

This is last year's picture. They are ready as yet to open up for this year!

I always call these my "Candy Stripers!"

I no longer have this plant, but would love to have another! The flowers are so beautiful!

"A closer picture of my Candy Stripers!"
It is so wonderful to see the beautiful handiwork of Almighty GOD in the beauty of His flowers! 


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi susan,
Thanks for coming by Thankful Thursday and for all your comments.
Love all your flowers they are all so pretty. Love amarillos, used to have some like the striped ones years ago.Those trumphet flowers are so neat too.

Did you check your email today??
You should have gotten a dayspring ecard from me............

Have a good excited our microwave came in today, so hopefully we are gonna go get it in awhile or in the morning.
Thought Jim was gonna look at another car tonight after work, but the guy we were talking to just dropped off the scene, so hopefully tomorrow. we'll see..........

Love ya, Nellie

sistersusiesays said...

Hi, Nellie.
Your Thankful Thursdays mean so much to me. I can hardly wait to read them!

Thank you for re-sending me your e-card! It is just lovely! I wonder how long they hold them? I like going back and reading them over.

How is your microwave oven this morning! Ha! I bet you are enjoying having one again! I can't imagine going without one!

I'm praying today that the LORD leads you to just the car He has for you.
Love to you all, Susan

Janet said...


I love the flowers. I am not a very good green thumb but I love flowers and love to take pictures of them too.

Blessings & Love