Monday, September 7, 2015

Personal Prayer

Matthew 6:6, "When you pray, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

Daniel 6:26-27, "For HE is the living GOD and enduring forever. His Kingdom is one which will not be destroyed. He delivers, rescues and performs signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, Who has also delivered Daniel from the power of the lions." What it must have been like in the Garden of Eden to have lived with these powerful animals in their gentle state! Can you imagine every morning, burying yourself in the mane of this majestic male lion's fur! Well, GOD's WORD tells us we will one day be able to do this again! (Isaiah 11:6) speaks of Christ's millennial reign and His animal kingdom.

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