Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Corination Day

I, King Cody, crown thee, Katy to be my Queen!


Bonnie said...

Congratulations on your new great niece, Susan! What a long haul poor Megan had! Honestly, I am so happy all is well. I hope Megan and all the rest of you can get some sleep now! Did you all know they were having a girl or did they keep it a surprise. Nellie and Jimmy are grandparents! Amazing. They are in for a thrilling time ahead! Praise the Lord, couldn't be happier over in in CA!

Love to all of you, Bonnie

sistersusiesays said...

Thanks, Bonnie! They have known. Some months ago they had a little party to reveal if the baby was a girl or boy! Her room at home is all ready!
Love to you all, Susan

Janet said...


How cute....I love all your animals.....

Blessings & Love