Monday, July 21, 2014

Patience in Tribulation.

You've heard the remark, "It's easier said than done!" Above is mentioned, "Rejoice in hope." When all is going well with our lives, rejoicing comes easily. However, it seems contrary to the human mind of the lost to rejoice when things aren't going so well. 

"Be patient even in tribulation!" The lost ask, "How can people have patience while in the midst of this world's worst tribulations?"

It's no doubt that when the lost are in their trials of life, even unto possible death, prayers are definitely lifted. But, do they KNOW who they are praying to or is it just words in hopes that there is a "god" out there somewhere that will hear?

Those who know Christ Jesus as their Savior have thee hope the world does not have. This is known because we are spiritual alive in Christ! 

John 3:7, "You must be born again." Those who do not know Christ Jesus as their Savior are spiritually dead, lost.

Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and you will become alive in Him and He will hear your every prayer! Then you can say to Him, "Stand by Me," LORD.

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