It amazes me how time goes faster
the older I get,
even if I do nothing but sit.
As a child, the day was like it
would never end!
We never wanted to stop
playing with our friends.
Then came the teenage years,
that also brought unwanted tears.
Parents just didn't understand,
We were "grown up" and had our
own plans.
Or at least we thought,
then realized what that
attitude bought!
Soon adulthood put us on our own.
Now we could come and go from
our home.
Along with this, brought more
However, the older we got,
brought less agility.
Our parents roles now became ours.
"What goes around, comes around,"
the switch of "powers!"
Working, raising kids and a house
hold of pets;
reminded us of a time passed,
de ja vu, I guess!
The busyness of life soon brought
about an empty nest.
Now we don't know what to do with
ourselves...travel, I guess.
The older years are suppose to be golden.
However, a lavished life has made
us beholden.
What has all of this to do with GOD?
While upon this earth, I have
59 years trod.
Hindsight is 20/20.
God has been in my life, plenty!
Brought up by parents who were
saved by my LORD.
Brought up by parents who
taught me His WORD.
A path I have followed
that was previously made,
from the foundation of the
world, it was particularly laid.
I love my GOD, who has shown
more Love to me,
than I could ever understand,
wonder, or believe.
This side of time's life may seem near,
But in Eternity with my Holy God,
it won't be counted in years.
The joy of my LORD and the
provisions he gives,
Assists my life and how I live.
Jesus said, "I Am the Way, the Truth,
and the Life. NO one comes to the
Father, except through Me."
John 14:6
I am so glad I belong to HIM.
Susan Todd