Sunday, January 26, 2020

Have You seen the Father?

John 12:45 shares Jesus' Words, "When one looks at Me, he sees the One Who sent Me." They saw GOD the Father in the flesh of Jesus Christ!

John 14:16-17, "I (Jesus) will ask My Father and He will give you another Counselor...the Holy Spirit." The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three aspects of ONE GOD!

Isaiah 9:6 prophesied of Jesus, "For to us a child is born, a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!"

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Do You Have GOD's Holy Spirit In You?

Acts 2:3, "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest upon each of them. And all were filled with the Holy Spirit...

Acts 2:17, 19-21 shares what the prophet Joel spoke (Joel 2:28-29), "In the last days, GOD says I will pour out My Spirit on all people...I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below...

Acts 2:21, "Everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved!"

Have you called on the only Name of Jesus Christ to save you from this fallen world of sin?
Do so and His Holy Spirit will enter you and you will know your Redeemer lives! Become His child of salvation for all eternity!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jesus the Only Way to Eternal Life

John 10:30 shows the Deity of Jesus Christ being incarnated Father GOD in the flesh come to save lost man to eternal salvation in Him.

There is NO OTHER way!

Man CANNOT save himself. There are NO works man can do to save himself.

All of our works are this before our Holy, Righteous GOD. 

Have you accepted Jesus taking your sins upon Him on the Cross? When you accept Christ as your Savior, He begins His work in you through the Holy Spirit which makes His works in you perfect.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Jesus is the Word

Jesus is God in the flesh.

John 1:3, "Through Him (Jesus) all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made."

John 1:4, " In Him is Life and that Life is the Light of men."

John 1:5, "The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it."

"Jesus took upon Himself full humanity and lived as man. He never ceased to be eternal GOD Who has always existed. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all things and the Source of eternal life." (Life Application Bible commentary.)

Do you know your Creator GOD? Jesus came to save mankind from sin. Humble yourself and ask Him to forgive your sins and He will. Eternal life is in Jesus Christ. His Word is True.

Begin your New Year in Christ Jesus!