As we saw last week, the animal kingdom (land and water) was created before man and they were placed in the Garden of Eden, flew across the expanse of the sky, and were in the depths of the sea.
Genesis 1:20-23, "On the fifth day of creation GOD created life teeming with living creatures in the water and birds flying across the expanse of the sky (after all their own kind). He created the GREAT CREATURES OF THE SEA and every living and moving thing in which the waters teem. He told them to be fruitful and multiply."
Let's look at some of those animals:
There are so many of the beautiful birds all over the world! Some live only in certain areas while others move all about the planet in
their migratory flight. Even some don't fly at all such as the different species of penguins. Where I live, we have the Sandhill Cranes
and Ibis all about our yards and owls in the woods of our backyards. Below are my pet birds that I've had for many years. What a joy they are!
Cuddles is a Cockatiel that flew onto the school campus where I was a teacher. The vet said he was about 8 months old. He is now 18 years old and talks "up a storm" as does Jerry, even to each other, ha!

Max is a Blue and Gold Macaw that I had for 13 years. I gave him to a friend who built an outside 25 foot flight cage that he spends part of his day then back inside the house he goes. I taught him to say, "I want out!" I surely miss him, but I know in my heart I'll see him again in eternity as so my other pets (future post).
The LORD also created the animals in the sea on the same day as He did the birds. Let's look at some of them.
Some of those animals are schools of fish after their own kind. Not only fish were created, but also mammals such as dolphins and whales.
They breath air where fish have gills which extract oxygen from the water. But some of the most fascinating animals
of all are the GREAT CREATURES OF THE SEA. Sperm whales, which are mammals.
A GREAT CREATURE in the fish category are the Basking Sharks which feed on plankton, Krill. See the diver?
What about reptiles in the ocean? Not only sea turtles with flippers instead of feet like the land turtles, but there are also other reptiles such as
Plesiosaurs which no longer are with us (future post). There are so many animals but I'll list one more that is a reptile that spends most of its time in the water and that is the sea iguanas.
They look much like those that are on land, but as you will see in the next picture of a pet iguana, it has a slight difference.
One day we found an iguana that was in our yard. He loved to eat the hibiscus flowers as a snack! We never did find out to whom he belonged.
Frenchy was a French Angel fish we found around a bridge piling. She was only an inch long, but grew to 6 inches in the tank. In the wild they grow much bigger! Next week we will take a look at the animals GOD created on the sixth day before He created mankind.