Psalm 145:10, "All You (GOD) have made will praise You, O LORD!"
Revelation 5:13, " I (John) heard every creature in heaven...
"...on the earth and under the earth...

"...under the sea...

" (all creatures) singing, 'To Him (Father GOD) Who sits on the throne and the Lamb (Jesus) be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever!"
II Peter 3:10-13, "The Day of the LORD will come like a thief (in the night). That Day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with His Promise we are looking forward to a New Heaven and New Earth, the (Eternal) Home of the righteous."
Do you know Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings? If you do, you are of His Chosen. If you don't, you can become saved by believing in Him Who is the only way to eternal life! Ask Him for His forgiveness and to come into your heart and He will! That is the only way to be of His Chosen! Come to the LORD Jesus and experience Him NOW as well as the hope of His Eternal heaven and what He has planned for us all throughout eternity with Him! Join in with all of His creation in giving Him praise forevermore in eternity!!!