Monday, September 24, 2012

Cody and Katy

From not much bigger than an ink pen with blue eyes (4 1/2 weeks old) 

To yellow eyes and 3 times the size!

Notice Cody's (black kitty) white Manchu whiskers! 
Now almost 7 months old, the brother and sister kittens are a bundle of energy! I can hear their scampering all over the house chasing each other in play!
The dogs come flying out into the den to get away from their crazy game of tireless chase! In two weeks they have a visit to their vet that will probably take away some of the rambunctiousness!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Susan,
They really are so cute! Kittens or puppies are just so much fun, just too bad they grow up and grow old.
But just like the rest of God's

Was glad to hear you weren't down with your back. Nice when it goes away quickly, huh! I love that too.
Love ya, Nellie

Janet said...

Hi Susan

Oh my goodness how your babies have grown.
Thanks for sharing!

Blessings & Love