Thursday, January 20, 2011

GOD is Beyond Man's Comprehension

This is my favorite picture of a place in our
universe! It doesn't register with my brain
that the heights of these gas clouds are
millions of light years tall!
My first impression is "a family." The father
on the left with the mother in the middle
holding her "child's" hand!
How could anyone think this has happened
randomly. I read from a friend with the
same exclamation of it being like putting
all the parts of a watch in a box, shake it
up, and out comes a finished product of a
working Rolex!
"What is man, that You are mindful of him?"
Hebrew 2:6
Hebrews 2:7-8 goes on to say, "You (GOD)
made him a little lower than the angels; You
crowned him with glory and honor and put
everything under his feet." My commentary
shares, "GOD put Jesus in charge of
everything, and Jesus reveals Himself to us.
We do not yet see Jesus reigning on earth,
but we can picture Him in His heavenly
glory. When you are confused by present
events and anxious about the future,
remember Jesus' position and authority.
He is LORD of all, and one day He will rule
on earth as He does now in heaven. This
truth can give stability to your decisions
day by day."


Janet said...

Hi Susie

Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. It looks like a family. And it is comforting knowing that if we trust God we do not have to worry about anything.

I have had that cold flu the last several days so I have not been up to very much. I have been sleeping alot which is unusal for me.

Have a good weekend!


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

All I can say is a big hearty Amen!!

Hope you have a good weekend!!
Love ya, Nellie

Janet said...

Hi Susie

Make sure you stop over and see my BLOG. I have a surprise for you.

Blessings & Love
