Monday, November 18, 2013

GOD's Architechural Design!

We left Nevada and went into Arizona. The postcard below shares all about this magnificent creation of GOD!

We crossed into Arizona by way of the Hoover Damn. Another wonder to look at, the canyon designed by Almighty GOD! 

You can see the bridge above. Below we are crossing over that bridge named "The Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge." What a design and an accomplishment by man.  

But, when compared to this design below by our Master Designer, His design is incomprehensible! I like to name this, "A family out for a walk." It looks like a father, mother holding the hand of her child. I wonder what a psychiatrist would render about my interpretation of that "ink spot," lol!

Do scientists truly believe this tiny river really carved out this massive "crack" in the canyon? I believe it happened when the pressure of the receding waters from the flood occurred!

It took my breath away when I stood at the edge of this wonder of GOD's creation! It had just finished raining and the steam could be seen in a light fog.

Below you can see the rain falling as it moves out of this part of the canyon.

Below is the picture further to the back as the rain dissipated where we were.

Pictures can't get the 3 dimensional view of this amazing sight. The depth, breadth, and height are unexplainable by pictures. It's beyond comprehension to explain the miracle of how GOD designed our eyes to see in dimensions!
 The many different colors in the canyon rock is gorgeous; from reds to tans and whites to browns. From smooth to rough; with worn lines going horizontally as well as vertically. It's like the Master of clay models using His tools to scrap design into the clay which produces His individual design of every individual inorganic item and especially His organic design of man in His own image. (Genesis 1)  

GOD's WORD tells us in Luke 19:40, as Jesus speaks to the Pharisees, "I tell you, if they (His disciples) keep quiet, the STONES will cry out (Who I Am!)" Can you imagine the scientists of today listening to stones crying out of who Jesus is!!! I can only imagine in the New Heaven and New Earth of Revelation, that all creation (not just organic, but inorganic as well) will be giving praise to our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD!

Each rock is designed uniquely as is each human He has created in this world!
What a beautiful sight in New Mexico as we headed to Texas, our next stop! 


Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Susan,
Pretty pictures, yea, there is just no improving on God's creation, that is for sure..............

Hope all is well........

Love ya, Nellie

sistersusiesays said...

Hi, Nellie! All is going great!
Love you all, too! Susan