Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Self-Control - Do Not Covet.

Jealousy; to want so badly what someone else has whether it's possessions, people, or prestige.

Self-Control is being satisfied with what you have and not wanting  what others have. When you are a Christian what you possess is very sufficient to meet your needs. GOD says, "I will supply all of your needs." (Philippians 4:19) 

Coveting covers many of the Commandments.
"Thou Shall not steal" - is coveting what you do not have and taking someone else's. "Thou shall not commit adultery" - is coveting someone else's wife or husband. "Thou shall not bear false witness (lying)" - is the jealousy of coveting another's status or prestige by destroying their character.   "Thou shall not murder" - is coveting the life of another by having hatred, malevolence, or holding grudges against them bringing you to take their  life.

As the LORD Jesus said in Matthew 22:39 he shared about the 10 commandments becoming two. The first being love GOD with all your heart, soul, body, and mind. The second being love your neighbor as yourself.

Self-Control is our major concern in everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do. It is all being recorded by our Almighty GOD that knows everything! One Day everyone will stand before Almighty GOD and the books will be opened as well as The Book of Life. Those having salvation in Christ Jesus will be judged out of The Book of Life, not for their sins because Christ has forgiven them, but for their sharing of Christ's salvation to others and the help they have given to others. It is a judgment of rewards. Those refusing Christ Jesus will be judged out of the books. All of their sins of thoughts, words, and deeds will be held against them. They will be judged for their sins before being cast into the Lake of Fire where they will forever be in torment (see Revelation 20:15.) GOD's Elect who are written in The Book Of Life will be rewarded and enter into the New Heaven and New Earth where they will forever be in the Glory of Almighty GOD. (Revelation 22:12 and 14, Daniel 7:10,) Which do you choose?


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