Thursday, July 3, 2014

Blogger Tag!

Much to my surprise I was tagged
 this evening by sister-in-law, Nellie over at
 "Nellie's Cozy Place."
Thanks for thinking of me Nellie....
These things are fun,
and truly are a way to get to know
 others a little bit better!

and these are the questions.....

1.  Are you named after someone?? 
I am not named after anyone, but I was going to be named Beverly, but dad wanted a little Susie. So I was named Susan!
2.  When was the last time you 
Just today while watching the movie "Because of Winn-Dixie" (a dog in the story!)
3.  Do you have Kiddos??
I have no children, but my kiddos consist of 3 dogs, 3 cats, and 3 birds!

4. If you were another person,
  would you be a friend of yourself??
I'm sure I would, for you have to be friends with yourself before you can be friends to others!
5.  Do you have a guilty pleasure??
Anything that is sweet, however I like pie better than cake.
6.  Do you like handwriting?
Not cursive, I have printed for so many years (being a kindergarten teacher for 28 years), but now we can choose the computer's handwriting, ha!
7.  What is your favorite cereal??
I just love the mini shredded wheat with the strawberry inside.
8.   What is the first thing you notice 
about people?
I notice their height! I am tall and it's nice to see people taller than myself.
9.  What is the color of your eyes?
My eyes are a blue/green. When I wear blue, they look blue. When I wear green, they look green!
10.  Scary movie or Happy Ending?
Definitely Happy Ending. There's enough scary and sadness in the world.
11.  Favorite TV Shows??
I like to watch the old westerns from the 1950/60's. Rifleman, Gunsmoke, Rawhide (Clint Eastwood), Bonanza... 
12.  Do you like Winter or Summer??
I like summer because the days are longer!
13. Hugs or kisses?
I'm a hugger! My dogs love it, but my cats don't so much. My African Gray bird will let me hug him occasionally.
14.  Do you have a special talent??
 (A long time ago) I use to play the piano, guitar.
15.  Where were you born?
As was Nellie, I was born in the Florida panhandle. I think we were born at the same Military hospital a month apart!
16.  what are your hobbies??
My pets, blogging, my truck, and TV (see #11.)
17. Do you have any pets?
See #3's pictures above.
18.  Favorite movie?
Space Cowboys
19.  What color is your car??

The color is called Aqua blue, but it looks green. It has green, tan, and purple sparkles in the paint!
It's been in 4 cars shows and I have won 4 trophies. Above are three of the four!

20.  What do you want to be
 when you grow up?
 RETIRED! After 34 years in education, I have made it there!
I'll tag:
Bonnie over @ One Designing Woman
I'll double tag:
Janet over @ Janet and Marvin's Life

1 comment:

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Susan,
Thought you would enjoy doing this,
Jessica did it too, just came over from her blog.
I knew everything but that you like shredded wheat with strawberries in them. Jimmy loves frosted mini wheats which are shredded wheat too.

Hope you had fun doing it.
Love ya, Nellie