Wednesday, January 7, 2015

He Who Is Last Shall Be First

"Poor in Spirit"
Matthew 19:30, 20:16 and Mark 10:31 speaks of the "last being first and the first being last." Those Children of GOD who have suffered the trials and tribulations of this fallen world even unto death shall be first in the Kingdom of GOD! Their reward is great and it will not apply to those Children of GOD that have not suffered as they have.

Matthew 5:12, Luke 6:23 speaks of this great reward to those who have suffered as did the prophets of GOD.

This life is but the blink of an eye, a puff of smoke compared to Eternity. Where will you spend your Eternity; in an everlasting place of torment where the rules of this universe's laws of thermal dynamics does not apply (called the Lake of Fire) or in an Eternity with GOD where there is no more pain, hunger, thirst, or trials of a fallen world. No corruption is there nor can any enter. Christ made your way possible because He paid the penalty for your sins on the Cross. Accept Him today!

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