GOD created each individual to be completely different, even identical twins. We all have our own unique personality, disposition, and attitude. He created His animal kingdom in the same manner.
I'm starting a new "chapter" dealing with the animals GOD's Word mentions in scripture. The first is the animals above named, Hart or as we commonly know them to be gazelle or of the deer family.
There are at least eight mentionings of this animal. They are listed in the gazelle and deer family. GOD gave them for meat to eat by man.
Deuteronomy 12:22, "Eat them (hart) as you would gazelle or deer." In most of our modern translations they are spoken of as gazelle or deer rather than hart. The older translations uses the name "hart."
The other mentions in scripture are: Deuteronomy 12:15, 14:5, 15:22, I Kings 4:23, Lamentations 1:6, Psalm 42:1, Isaiah 35:6.
These animals were created and were placed in the Garden of Eden. The LORD delighted in His Creation. They will be restored during the Millennium reign of Christ as so the earth will be as the Garden of Eden. Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit and unable to tempt man. As Almighty GOD delights in His saved humanity to live with Him forever in the New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem, He will also restore His animal kingdom to be forever with Him and all those Chosen of Israel and Christ's Church. Romans 8:21 promises this: "The creatures themselves will be liberated from death and decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of GOD."

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