Wednesday, October 31, 2018

We Shall See Them Again!

A sweet tribute to my niece and Little Rosie. We love our pets so much! When it is their time to leave us, it can be a sad time in our lives. But the LORD gives us the reassurance of seeing them again!!!

Romans 8:21 shares, "The creatures themselves will be liberated from death and decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the Children of GOD."

John, one of the disciples of Christ, wrote the Book of Revelation, and shared what he saw and heard for the future New World recorded in Revelation. One of the animal groups he saw there has at least ten thousand horses! GOD created everything. I wouldn't think He would allow one group of animals and not other groups to be on His New Earth. 

"When pets or other animals die, their 'breath of life' returns to GOD. Psalm 104:29-30 states, "GOD receives their breath and they die and GOD sends forth His Spirit (breath), they are created. Their personality, vivaciousness, and vitality return to Him." (From book, "Do Pets & Other Animals Go To Heaven?" By Cheryl Renee' Webb.)

GOD's sensitivity to His animal creation is stated in Matthew 10:29, "Not even one sparrow falls to the ground (in death) without GOD's knowledge."

"GOD is not a respecter of  persons, places, or animals. The difference being, people have a choice whether to come to Him or not. Animals are not required to make a choice and are always received by Him. GOD patterned earth after His dwelling place and has included His animal kingdom. He made earth to house His Creation and Heaven to hold them until we arrive." (Previous Book and author, page 71)

So, my sweet niece, we will see again all of the beloved animals our LORD has personally given to us and brought into our lives, waiting for us on the Other Side! Hallelujah to His Glorious, Holy Name!

Psalm 145:21, "Let every creature praise His Holy Name for ever and ever."

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