Sunday, November 24, 2019

Jesus Teaches, Herod Plots

Matthew 14:1-5, "Jesus teaching was reported to Herod and he said to his men, 'This is John the Baptist risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.'

"Herod had arrested John and bound him, putting him into prison for John had told him it was not lawful for him to have his brother's wife.

"Herod wanted to kill John the Baptist, but was afraid of the people because they considered John a prophet."

Matthew 14:6-12, Because of Herod's lust, he granted  a request for a woman that pleased him for her dancing before him. Her request was grotesque asking for John the Baptist's head on a platter! (It seems he no longer was concerned with what the people thought!)

Matthew 14:12, "John's disciples came and took John's body and buried it. They then went and told Jesus."

Desires of the flesh destroy not only in this fallen world, but for all eternity! It can be desire for power as well as the lust of the flesh as is seen in these verses. Today's world is sadly involved with the powers and struggles of the flesh from politics to the evil lust of flesh abounding everywhere. It is called SIN! Sin is not only committed in physical involvement, but also in the thoughts and lust of the eyes! But praise our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD, He has made a way out of the lusts of the fallen world! His Name is Jesus Who paid the penalty for all sin while upon the Cross. Do you have His salvation? You can. Simply by faith, humble yourself and ask Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and He will. You may not have committed the sins mentioned in the Scripture above, but GOD's Word has said, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD." (Romans 3:23) Even an unkind thought, deed, or word is sin.

Acts 2:21, "Everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD (Jesus Christ) will be saved!"

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