This is my 33rd year in teaching! To look back on it all,
I can't believe this many years have already passed.
I'm seeing the end of the trail. Sadly to say,
the trail is ending for the education system as well in
coming under such scrutiny, that all of the country's
woes are placed upon the educators' to correct. In to-
day's society, the classroom teachers are being made to be
psychiatrists, exercise gurus, neurologists, nurses (to
administer meds when on field trips), truancy officers, and
even juvenile delinquent officers. The same can be applied
as for the principals. This is not our job description!
I thought maybe it was me, but after speaking
to new teachers (as well as teachers who have had 5,
10, 15, and even 20 years of service), I find it to be true
among them all. The education system is breaking
down due to the population of students, as well as
their parents, no longer being held accountable for
their actions (or the lack thereof.) Besides being held
accountable for our teaching (which we should be),
we are now also being held liable for the irresponsibility
of students and their parents. Then on top of
that, we have the lowliest school board member all the
way up to the President himself, bashing the teachers
for a "failing education system" in comparing it to
China, Russia, etc! Well, let's make that comparison.
In the first place, those countries do not have
neurologically impaired children in their school systems.
Those children have been abandoned by many of their parents
and are in mental institutions. In the second place, there
are no juvenile delinquents in their schools. Those students
plus their parents are in lock up with the keys thrown
away. In the third place, those students that can only
learn so much and no more, are put into vocational
training and are placed into the society as a productive
worker by the time they are 15 or 16. So, all they
have in their school systems are their "A, B" students.
This is their Socialist approach to things, and that's
just education. To make it worse, look at their approach
on the medical, people's livelihood, religious preference
and all else! Our government has messed up education
enough by tying the teachers' hands behind their backs
as well as all but duck taping their mouths as to what
they can do or say. The bar has been raised as to the needs a
child must have to get placed into special services. So, as
with the juveniles that refuse to cooperate along with the
neurologically impaired's failing scores, the government has
mandated by law for these failing scores to be averaged into
the general education state scores which makes it look as
though our system is failing because of "lower" scores. It
doesn't take a mathematician to come up with that outcome
which is totally undeserving. How can the government
mandate a child's failing score when in that child's adult
life he will only have the mindset of an 8 year.
Teaching is constantly being interrupted by children
who have autistic outbursts. It is illegal to remove
the child, so our entire class has to stop and be
removed to another class in the process of disrupting
their learning. These children's rage may not even be
in your room; but three rooms down and you can still hear
the screaming of their outcries as if they were next to you.
Administrators and guidance counsellors are so involved
with delinquent students that by the time they come to
your class, education has again been so disrupted, that not
much learning has taken place. These are not simple
disruptions as they were in the past that teachers could
deal with on their on. "I like how Johnny is...." doesn't
work anymore. These delinquent children of today could
care less what you are saying about another child. If
anything, this statement sets them off because you
aren't recognizing their misbehavior. To see the
increased delinquency, all you need do is visit any
public school and see these students housed up
and down the hallways of the principals' offices!
Criminals that continue to be turned back out into society
with rap sheets a mile long is becoming the same mistake
in the school system by "ignoring" the behavior "rap" sheets
that are a mile long by the time these students are in
high school. Again, teachers are blamed for the cause.
The system doesn't realize that we teachers can only
do so much. When these kids leave us and go right
back home into the situations that created them in
the first place, it's like 2 steps forward and 3 back.
All you need do to see the ideal
education system, is observe a Christian private
school's. The discipline in these structures
demand students to have respect for themselves as
well as respect for their parents, teachers, and admini-
strators. Nothing will be accomplished without having
discipline and respect for God, one's self, and others.
Private schools (especially those not accepting state
vouchers to come under the state's rule) have the
right to expel students who refuse to follow the
school's rules. Parents have signed off on this
and know it will be enforced. Maybe the public
school system should follow the same example.
They already do this with state funded colleges and
especially the universities. If you misbehave or
don't keep up your grades, you're out! This should
apply in grade-high school as well. Just because
public education is free, it shouldn't engulf those
who refuse to take advantage of its services by
becoming a "burdensome stone."
And to think the government wants to increase
the day from six hours to eight and not pay the
teachers for it. Not only does that become
"babysitting," but the pressure these kids are under
now to perform, I can only imagine what 2 more
hours of academics would do. These kids are
burning out now by the time they reach high school.
That's another problem the government wants
to penalize the teachers for, student drop out!
They want to pay according to how many students
pass or fail. Can you imagine the President being
paid on that aspect? Or, anybody for that matter!
We're not car dealers! (At least one wouldn't want
to be in this day and age!)
Now, let's have a bit of Good News!
For those who know the LORD, these thingsshould not be of any surprise. The latter day
prophecies has said the children will turn against
their parents and authority; as well as the
government taking full control over everyone and
all they have gained; as well as the society turning
against its Creator. Praise the LORD for those He
has called for His services. I am so thankful for
students from Christian homes that I
have had the privilege of teaching! Their
testimonies (YES! 5 year olds have testimonies
for our Christ!) have place the seed of God's Word
in the hearts of their classmates! I've always allowed
them to bring their books to share with their
classmates. When they bring their Bibles, Bible
stories, I allow them to share with their classmates.
The LORD has truly blessed. When I look back on the
years I have taught, the LORD has always protected
me when I have had students and parents that
are in denial of present life situations. There
were situations of "darkness" that the LORD's Light
guided my every step. There have also been students and
parents that I have had long friendships with for many years,
even some of which, I have taught some of my student's
children! No matter what society or mankind
does, the LORD is good all the time, all the time the
LORD is good to those that belong to him. One day
the perils of this fallen world will be no more. At that
time we will begin our joyous Eternity that will make
these earthly years deem and pass away as if they
never were. The only thing that will last is what was
done for Christ.