Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Eye Has Not Seen..."

What amazing pictures of outer space! There
is so much out there for the Hubble to proclaim
to the world!
God's WORD also proclaims, "Eye has not seen
nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart
of man what God has prepared for those
who love Him." I Cor. 2:9
Incomprehensibility! No man can understand
the ways of GOD. His ways are so far above
our own. Why would such an Awesome GOD
be interested in me? Because He created
me. He formed me in my mother's womb
as he has with every single human being;
as well as those who have been aborted
from the earliest stages of dividing cells.
They are now in His Holy Presence,
awaiting the day we all will receive our
new bodies and then experience the
incomprehensibility to be a
starting of comprehension that we
will spend an Eternity of abounding
in His Knowledge and Loving Grace!
What man now holds to be precious; gold,
jewels, ivory will be what the roads,
foundations and buildings will be made
out of! Can you imagine; streets of pure
gold, gates of ivory, foundations of
amethyst, emerald, jasper....Even a sea
of glass is mentioned!
"Oh, what an Awesome GOD!
He reigns from Heaven above!"
One day we shall see Him for who
He is, The Great I Am!


Janet said...

Hi Susie

I cannot even imagine the beauty that we will be seeing. What a good and worthy God we have.

Thanks for sharing. The picture is awesome.

Love & Blessings

Bonnie said...

It is amazing what the Lord has in store for us. I also love that He wants us to be happy and have joy in this life as well. He has a plan of happiness for us and all we need to do is follow it. We have so much to be thankful for and the more we see those things, the happier we are. It is not a perfect world but His perfect love makes it good.

The photo above is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing it, Susie! I remember you asked me once if I thought we would have families in heaven. The answer is yes I do. I believe with all my heart that your parents will be your parents forever. A loving God would not have it any other way. The family is the basic unit of His plan for our eternal happiness.

Have a great three day weekend!