Dr. Adrian Rodgers said, "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving...You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
This country was set up for those who had the will to become prosperous by their ingenuity and hard work, not to just have it taken away and given to people who choose to refuse to work from the womb to the tomb. Just because a family business out of their home went to an office, then a company, and finally a corporation; these generations it took to become prosperous should not be punished by being forced by the government to pay 70% of their income back into taxes to cover for those who choose to do nothing with their lives. That goes completely against what this country was established under.
I think it is a disgrace that this country's government continually rewards these people by giving them free housing which they trash within 5 or 6 years costing the tax payers billions of dollars over the country; free "food" cards which they can use at "certain" stores that record the cigarettes and alcohol they purchase under other identification numbers; young girls (12, 13) having 6 or 7 children by the time they are in their mid twenties (and not really remembering who any of the different fathers are) just to collect money from the government (not to mention the children being put on to Medicaid of which their parents have never contributed a cent to the system, but are sucking it dry causing those who have paid into it all their lives to get less if any benefits by the time they reach 66 if that age isn't raised higher by the government.) They receive free cell phones and service. Obama wanted to give "them" free cars and auto insurance when he first came into office! The congress wonders why the country is going under when you have 46% of the population not contributing to the tax base and they're bankrupting the other 54% by over taxing to pay for those who refuse to work! It may not be listed in the income tax, but it surely is listed in everything else you purchase; food, gasoline, electric bills, water bills, cable bills, phone bills, clothing, everything people purchase today has an added tax to cover for those who don't pay anything, but the government gives them everything at the tax payer's expense! The government makes more money this way than going the income tax route! And, on top of that they are coming out with new legislation that would do away with those things we were always in the past able to claim off our income taxes!
It's time every thing came to a screeching halt. The Bible does say in II Thess. 3:10, "If you don't work, you don't eat!" It's time that this country went back to people being responsible for themselves and those they bring into the world. If the government refuses to do so, the working people need to go back to trading the oranges off their tree for another person's eggs that their hens lay; you fix my car, I'll fix your roof, etc. No exchange of money to be taxed.
You wonder where the inventions have disappeared that would have your entire house running on its on electrical power from different simple independent sources, your automobile running off of water with more power than gasoline. All of this would make people self-sufficient, something the government doesn't want because they could no longer receive taxes from it.
The government has gotten to powerful over the people. That again goes against the Constitution. It's government by the people. When these senators vote in things that don't allow the people their freedoms, the people should immediately be able to vote against their decisions without having to wait for four years. Senators have just gotten too sloppy with having too many different things composed within their writing of laws. I wouldn't be surprised that the earthquake that occurred in Washington D.C. and up the coast wasn't the forefathers rolling over in their graves at the ridiculousness of today's congressional bickering! I think one of my previous blogs said it all with the statement that said, "Go GREEN, Recycle Congress!"