Monday, October 31, 2011

The Ghost Everyone Should Have!

At Pentecost the Holy Ghost came like a mighty rushing wind and all of the followers of Jesus Christ were filled with the Holy Spirit, third person of the God-Head (Trinity.)


What a joy for every believer today that knows the salvation our LORD has freely given to us and all who will receive Him as the sacrifice for their sin.


After Christ's Resurrection, He told His disciples that He must go so that the Comforter may come (the Holy Ghost.) After His Ascension, the Holy Spirit (Ghost) came and enter the 3000 people who were His followers at Pentecost where Peter was preaching the salvation of the LORD. What a revival, and ever since each person who has accepted the LORD as their Savior has the Holy Spirit enter into them and reveals the truths of our Almighty Creator!


The greatest truth is soon coming, the Rapture! If you know our Creator you know what that is. If you do not know your Creator GOD you need to ask the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you from your sins and ask the Holy Spirit to come in and guide your life. Upon doing so, your life will change in an instant. Watch this miracle when your friends question about the change in your life even before you have had the chance to share with them what has happened!


Yes, there is a Ghost, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit! Invite Him into your life today, now!


Janet said...

Hi Susan

Amen to your post! I can feel the Holy Spirit busy in my life.
I hope you are well and enjoyed the reception. What a beautiful family you have. Hope to catch some pictures of you.
The birthdays for the grandkids were good. It is so hard having to celebrate long distance with Logan but we did get to talk to him.
I hope you are not in the floods that I saw on TV.

Have a good week!
Blessings & Love

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Amen and Amen!!

Jesus is indeed in the life changing business,
sometimes we don't hear that enough......
and it makes people think they just have to
life it out themselves.

Thanks for your comments about the reception.
Got a Thank you card from Dee and they were
very happy and pleased about it too!!

We got to go over and see their apt. last night.
Their apt. looks so cute, they have fixed it up
really nice. They are quite the decorators!!

Love ya, Nellie