Monday, August 25, 2014

GOD's Perseverance

 Psalm 18:30, "As for GOD, His way is perfect; the WORD of the LORD is flawless."  He expects perfection.

Genesis 6:5, Man is fallen and "his heart is wicked all the time."

Genesis 6:7, "It grieved GOD that He created man. But, Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." Get this now! All mankind was so evil and wicked, GOD destroyed all mankind except for Noah and his family. GOD's perseverance will only last so long with evil and wicked man.

Genesis 19 Man had again multiplied in their evil and wickedness. This chapter tells of the total destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to man's evil and wickedness. The LORD sent angels to lead Lot and his family out and away before GOD's wrath came down. GOD's perseverance will only last so long with evil and wicked man.

Revelation is the final destruction on evil and wicked mankind by GOD. He has given His prophesy of the Tribulation in those days and they are quickly approaching. GOD's perseverance will only last so long with evil and wicked man.

Then Christ will descend with His Church for His millennial reign before all things are made new in the New Heavens, New Earth, and New Jerusalem! GOD's perseverance will have brought His Elect into Eternity with Him forevermore! Hallelujah! Amen! 

If you don't know our Almighty GOD, you can! Come to your Savior, Creator, GOD for the forgiveness of your sins by asking in your heart, His forgiveness of your sins. Read the Book of John and you will see the Love of our Perfect GOD for an imperfect mankind.

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