Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Trifold of Perseverance

(Genesis 1:27) Just as we are made in the image of GOD the Father (we have personality), GOD the Son (we have flesh as did Jesus), and GOD the Holy Spirit (we have a spiritual nature), perseverance also deals with these diverse attributes of our being. 

1. We must persevere with our personality and the personalities of others; joy/sadness, trust/fear, humble/prideful, helpful/harmful, and all other emotions
2. We must persevere with the physical weaknesses and pains of this world; strength/weaknesses, health/sickness, life/death.
3. We must persevere with the spiritual nature. Spiritually dead/Spiritual alive, demons/angels, our spirit/the Holy Spirit.

We will look at these in more detail this month.


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