Sunday, December 31, 2017

GOD Says, "I Will Pour Out My Spirit On ALL FLESH"

Joel 2:28, GOD says, "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh." You can refer back to my blog on November 26, 2017 paragraph 7 that shares about "all flesh" and the different kinds of flesh, post: "Animals Do Have Souls an Spirits."

Jeremiah 32:27 above again shares He is the creator of "all flesh" that being of mankind and of the animal kingdom.

Almighty Father GOD has given Christ Jesus the power over all creation, all flesh, even unto eternal life.

Not only Old Testament Scripture shares of mankind accepting His salvation, but also in the New Testament in Acts 2:17, shares again of His Spirit being poured out on all flesh. Only mankind is required to repent of his sins. The animal kingdom was subjected to this fallen world because of the fall of man choosing to sin.
We see in Romans 8:21, "The creatures (animal kingdom) themselves will BE LIBERATED FROM DEATH AND DECAY and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of GOD!" They (animal kingdom) are not subject to eternal damnation as is mankind who reject so great a salvation in Jesus Christ.

All flesh, mankind and the animal kingdom will see the glory of our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD! Saved mankind will see it at the Judgment Seat of Christ (for believers) and the Lost at the Great White Throne Judgment. The Animal Kingdom will be brought unto saved mankind as it was mentioned in the previous Romans 8:21. What glory will be seen in the New Heaven, New Earth, and New Jerusalem! We saved of Christ Jesus will be involved with it for eternity. Those Lost will perceive it from the Lake of Fire in their punishment for all eternity. (Revelation 20:11-14) Know Christ Jesus today and the Salvation He has for you. Repent of your sins and ask Him to come into your heart and His Holy Spirit will confirm your salvation in Him! Know the truth of eternal life in Christ Jesus!

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