Sunday, February 25, 2018

GOD's Covenant with Man and the Animal Kingdom

GOD's rainbow is a covenant between GOD, man, and His animal kingdom, not man and man.

Genesis 9:12-16, "And GOD said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I Am making between Me and you and EVERY LIVING CREATURE with you, a covenant for ALL future generations (of man and animals): I (GOD) have placed My bow in the clouds and it will be a sign  of the covenant between Me and all the earth. When the bow appears  I (GOD) will remember My covenant  between Me and you  and ALL LIVING CREATURES: water will never again become a flood to destroy everything. The bow is an EVERLASTING covenant between GOD and all living creatures on earth.' "

Everlasting means forever and ever, for all eternity. GOD mentions this not just for mankind, but His animal kingdom too (all living creatures)!

The rainbow is significant because there is a holy one that encircles His throne in heaven signifying His Perfection and Holiness.

Revelation 4:3, "A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne."

The next time you see a rainbow, remember GOD's promise behind it, not just for yourself, but all of mankind AND His animal kingdom!

If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will witness all of this in His Holy Presence. If you don't know the salvation only Christ Jesus offers, you can have it. It is a free gift to you. Just admit you are a sinner. ("All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD." Romans 3:23) Then call on the LORD to save you. "For all who call upon the Name of the LORD (Jesus) will be saved." (Acts 2:21) Then begin knowing (by the WORD of the LORD, the Bible) all our Mighty GOD has in store for you now and all throughout eternity! Praise His Holy Name forevermore!

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