Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bats, GOD's Flying Mammals

Mysterious, sometimes frightful to some people,
bats are mammals with wings and are mostly nocturnal.

The Bible lists their living quarters shared with the rodents in caves.

Isaiah 2:19-20, "Men will flee to the caves in the rocks and holes in the ground from dread of the LORD. In that day men will throw away to the rodents and the bats their idols of silver and gold which they have made to worship."

Can you imagine sharing the same habitat as these animals? There will be a time in the tribulation when mankind will, in fear of the LORD's wrath upon the earth. 

Revelation 6:15-16, "Then the Kings of the earth, the Princes, the Generals, the Rich, the Mighty, and every slave and free man, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the Face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb (Jesus Christ). For the Great Day of His Wrath has come, and who can stand (survive)!' "

Are you born again into Christ Jesus' salvation? For GOD's Word tells us:

I Thessalonians 1:10, "Wait for His (the Father) Son (Jesus) from heaven, Whom He raised from the dead - Jesus, Who rescues us from the coming wrath."

Romans 5:9, "We have been justified by His blood and shall be saved from GOD's wrath through the death of Jesus Christ (for our sins.)"

GOD's flying mammal is a gem for mankind. He flies through the dusk, twilight skies scooping up the insects that are a menus to us. He pollinates the flowers and trees searching for the delicious nectar they provide, yet assists mankind in a new crop of food in the pollinating they provide to the plants. The LORD's animal kingdom is amazing, praise His Holy Name!

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