Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Cost of Following Jesus

Matthew 8:18-22, "When Jesus saw the crowd around Him, He gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. Then a teacher of the law came to Him and said, 'Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.' Jesus replied,

"Foxes have holes and...

"...birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.'

"Another disciple said to Him, 'LORD, first let me go and bury my father.' But Jesus told him, 'Follow me and let the dead bury their own dead.' "

Commentary: "Following Jesus is not always easy or comfortable. It often means cost and sacrifice, with no earthly rewards or security. You may find that following Christ costs you popularity, friendships, leisure time, or treasured habits. But while the cost of following Christ  is high, the value of being Christ's  follower is even higher! Discipleship is an investment that lasts for ETERNITY and yields incredible rewards!" As is said, "This life is but the blink of an eye" compared to eternity with our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD! Will you spend it with Him forever or will you be separated forever paying for your sin in the darkness of an eternal Lake of Fire and Brimstone? GOD gives you the choice to choose Christ Jesus' sacrifice for your sin on the Cross spending eternity with Him or you can deny it and spend eternity in agony paying the price for your own sin forevermore! 
For His Word tells us, "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD. (Romans 3:23)" This gift of eternal salvation is from Almighty GOD. "You may know you have eternal life, even to you who believe on the Name of the Son of GOD (Jesus Christ). (1 John 5:13)." The choice is yours.

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