I had never had a pure bred
dog before. Above is the oldest
picture I have of my "Lady Ginger!"
She is a boxer. The closest to her
was Chopper who was Boxer-mix.
At the loss of Rookie, my heart was
empty of my canine friends. A
friend in my church had mentioned
a friend of hers, dog had just had
Boxer pups. So, began another
many years of dogs in the family!

Lady Ginger is only 5 1/2 weeks old
in this picture. It was summer and
I had time to take care of her since
I was out of school. She was the runt
in the litter and the other pups
wouldn't let her in to feed. (She
was one of 11 puppies!) So, I took
her home to allow her to get the
much needed nourishment she
needed to grow strong and healthy.

She was so small, but not fragile!
Her energy level was amazing! I
didn't think I could "poop" her
out! She loved chasing her tennis
ball on the bed.
began to show! Her head up, tail
up, feet back (though only one in
this picture. She quickly began
holding both back in her stance!)
And, her eyes on the target!
her solid muscle began to show
with all of the exercise she got.
cannas! I happened to get a
picture of Ginger as she lay resting
in dad's garden of flowers!
give her some problems. My vet
(who had taken care of all of my
other dogs) realized that who
had clipped their tails as baby
pups, did not clip hers between
the vertebrae and a piece of bone
was poking her skin. It was
quickly corrected by him as you
can see her shaved tail in this
picture below.
she had a litter of her own pups.
Her box had been prepared and
she went in when she was ready.
The vet had checked her by ultra
sound and saw 3 puppies. When
Ginger began to birth, I was there
to help. She had a pup every 30
minutes. Then no more. I
thought she was finished, but an
hour later she had one more!
2 fawn, 1 brindle, 1 black!
were grown, I sold three and we
kept the "black" pup who would
be named, "Sir Reginald the Marque
Duke!" More to come on him, later!

Ginger would only have one litter.
Her son, Reggie would become her