Memorial Day is a
time of reflection on our Fallen Heroes.
There are no words for what they have done
for us other than what the Holy Word of God
says in John 15:13, "Greater love has no man
than this, that he lay down his life for his
friends." Even more so those he does not know!

My dad came back alive. I thank God every
day as do those in the wars of today have the joy
in the return of their loved ones. I pray the strength
of Almighty God in those who have lost loved
ones in the wars of yesteryear as well as today. We
can not truly know their hurt and loss. LORD, let them
know in Christ they will see their loved ones again.
on the two following aircraft carriers; first, the USS
Intrepid and then the USS Yorktown.

I want to thank those who have fought and
protected our country with their service in our
military; our fallen, our Veterans, and
especially our active duty personnel.
Thanks to:
Walter Fred Todd - Navy
Arnold James Galloway - Navy
James Walter Todd - Air Force
Delton Granger - Navy
Thank you for your service, duty, and love
for our country.
Praise to our God that His Word tells us in
Isaiah 2:2,4
"In the last days...He will judge the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation
will not take up sword against nation, nor
will they train for war anymore."
Two major events happen before this comes
to pass; the Rapture of Jesus' Church, and
the Tribulation of Revelation. Please be
in the first event. Salvation in Christ is so
simple a child can understand it. What makes
it difficult for adults, is pride. All have sinned
and fallen short of God's Perfection. Christ can
make you Perfect again in the Eyes of our Holy God
that can not look upon sin without His Holy
Judgment condemning the lost to Eternal
separation in an everlasting state of
punishment. Let not the War of sin keep
you from the Glory of Eternity.
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,
Let Angels prostrate fall.
To Him that saves us by His Grace,
And crown Him LORD of All!